A New Health And Safety Threat To Employees In The Gambling Workplace 

Thomas Burger
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Many people regard gambling as nothing more than a nice hobby that allows them to pass the time by playing various games and unwinding from their day. While it is true that gambling in and of itself is not dangerous and should be avoided, it is also true that – for some people – it poses a greater hazard than one might expect. This is even though gambling in and of itself should not be frowned upon. Instead, it is something that must be accepted. 

The vast majority of people can engage in this pastime without losing their cool and in a non-harmful manner; yet, some people have a severely problematic relationship with gambling. Since 1980, compulsive gambling and problem gambling have been recognized as separate mental diseases in their own right. Having said that, both may be controlled and treated, but they, like any other form of problematic behavior, necessitate specific attention and treatment to be effectively managed. 

The capacity to gamble is so accessible and ubiquitous in today’s culture that companies should be on the watch for this type of behavior among their employees. Furthermore, if it is discovered that some of their employees are having gambling difficulties while on the job, they must address the issue as quickly as feasible. 

Using company resources without authorization 

When tackling workplace gambling, the first issue that must be addressed is the illegal use of office equipment. This is a critical step in resolving the issue. Nowadays, every employee in an office is provided a personal computer to utilize throughout their time there. Regardless, the computer in question should not be thought of or regarded in the same way as a personal computer. It is critical to remember that the machinery in question is still the property of the company and should only be used for business-related duties. One of the most serious risks here is the likelihood of an employee visiting an insecure website and gaining access to valuable corporate information. 

A decline in work productivity

Gambling in the workplace can also lead to a decline in productivity, which is another issue that can arise. As with other addictions, the individual suffering from this addiction will devote their entire attention to satisfying their urge. This can lead to the individual ignoring their day-to-day tasks and being overall poor at their workplace. This is a particularly urgent issue in current times, given the ease with which gambling can be accessed via the internet. Furthermore, it is not necessary to utilize a computer to view it because it is simply available through any mobile device. If an employer notices that their employees are slacking off at work and are unable to fulfill the tasks allotted to them daily, the employer should explore the source of the problem. 

Financial troubles could arise 

If it is not yet clear how harmful gambling while working may be, we must examine some of an addict’s most common habits. Only then will it be obvious just how harmful gambling while working may be. It is common knowledge that an addict would go to any length to satisfy their desires. And, while gambling does not have the same bad impact on one’s health as, say, substance abuse or excessive alcohol consumption, it is no less dangerous. If an employee who is addicted to gambling or displays even the tiniest indicators of having a gambling problem works for you and has access to the company’s financial information, your organization is placing itself in peril. It is not uncommon to hear about cases in which a corporation’s employee utilized company funds to personal advantage. Worse, if they are cautious and proceed in a method that is not too wrong, it may be years before the mistake is recognized. 

What symptoms should you check for to determine if you have a problem? 

As previously stated, a person suffering from a gambling addiction usually does not exhibit any overtly visible physical symptoms of their problem. As a result, recognizing this dangerous pattern of behavior is not always easy. Another difficulty in identifying the problem is that people with addictions are usually quite effective at hiding their damaging habits from others. As a result, every worker should develop a risk assessment and management strategy to avoid the probability of a problem being produced by this. As a result, the most effective way to handle this issue is to consult with the employees in charge of human resources at your firm to understand how to build and implement such a strategy. If, on the other hand, such a pattern of behavior is identified, it is in everyone’s best interest to look into ways to fix the situation rather than terminating the employee or employees involved. 

Consideration of additional aspects 

Employers are legally required in many parts of the world to guarantee that their workplaces are safe and conducive to good health for their employees. Even though gambling addiction is not usually one of the first issues that arise, When confronted with a situation like this, people’s thoughts turn to comebacks; nonetheless, it is critical to remember that it is covered by this legislation. Unfortunately, many companies fail to notice this fact quickly, and as a result, the situation regularly worsens to the point where legal action is required. Employers face the prospect of legal action quite rarely if they have organized any form of such activity in the workplace. 

Given all that has been said so far, it is clear that gambling in the workplace should not be encouraged or tolerated under any circumstances. Because of the nature of gambling, having fun is not something that should be frowned upon. Nonetheless, it is not something that should be done on the job unless you own a gaming institution. 

As a result, employers must keep an eye on their staff and take appropriate action as soon as they see anything isn’t working properly. Only in this manner will they be able to not only prevent the onset of more serious concerns but also ensure that they provide the necessary health and safety conditions for their employees in the workplace.